Tour Overview

This tour is suitable for travelers who wants see everything on safari, from the animals, landscapes, lakes, forest, rivers, and etc. that are why we include all four major parks in northern tourism circuit which offers different experiences.

Best time: January, February, May, June, July, August, September, October and December.

Day by Day Itinerary


Day One: Tarangire safari lodge

Day Two: Osero Serengeti tented camp

Day Three: Osero Serengeti tented camp

Day Four: Ngare Lodge

Day Five: No accommodation

Day to Day Itinerary

Day One: Tarangire national park

Day Two: Tarangire to Serengeti national park

Day Three: Serengeti (all day)

Day Four: Ngorongoro Crater

Day 5: Lake Manyara then Arusha